About LCDTech
The main goal of the LCDTech project is to collect information about liquid crystal displays: LCD technologies, LCD panels in monitors and laptops.
Historically the first reference tables were published on “axofiber.info” (a.k.a. axofiber.no-ip.org) site among other articles and materials in Russian language.
Step by step they grew up and moved to separate project LCDTech.
Materials are originally in Russian language, but statistics show the vast global interest.
That's why LCDTech started to translate pages to English.
Nowadays, LCDTech is a personal project.
But it's necessary to thank Oleg Medvedev for real help and effective development of LCDTech.
Also, I want to thank enthusiasts, who reveal very interesting information about LCD panels.
You may use all materials published here for your own intents as is and without any guarantee or response of authors.
Mostly all third party images are supplied with links to origins.
So it is expected that reprinted materials from LCDTech will be reproduced with reference links to their origins.
If you find any misspells or errors in LCDTech materials, please, e-mail me at: lcdtech.info@gmail.com
If you have intention to help or to contribute to the LCDTech project I'll appreciate any contribution or participation (e. g. localization of pages).
Best regards,
Maxim Proskurnya